Recipe Convert Paid version 1.8 update released in Android Market

The newest update to the Recipe Convert software brings big changes to the user interface including a new color scheme, new graphics for controls, and a little rearranging. These changes should also find their way into the free version of the software within the next few weeks.

In the marked-up image you can see some of the indicators and controls that have been changed:
- “multiplication factor” and “yield ratio” are just two different ways of displaying the same information: the amount that the recipe servings will be changed. This is set or changed using the yield at the bottom. If “multiplication factor” is “x1.0” and “yield ratio” is “1:1” then the size of the recipe will be unchanged.
- Tapping the “change yield on/off” bar will collapse or expand the yield settings. If this bar is collapsed the factor will automatically change to “x1.0” regardless of any values in the From or To fields. If, however, the bar is expanded you can scale your recipe up or down to your liking by changing these values. For example in the image someone would be changing a recipe to serve 8 to serving 15. This is indicated both by the ratio “8:15” and multiplier of “x1.875”
- Tapping the “fraction or decimal display selector” just changes how the fractional parts of the numbers are displayed. ie: “1.5” or “1-1/2”
- The “weight or volume unit selectors” choose which type of units to use. Since Recipe Convert can convert between the two different types of units, as noted on the image, it is very important that you set an appropriate value in the “weight/volume conversion factor”
- The “weight/volume conversion factor” is the setting that allows Recipe Convert to accurately convert between weight and volume units. As an example a cup of parsley and a cup of macaroni are the same volume, but not the same weight. By the same token, 40 grams of parsley and 40 grams of macaroni weigh the same, but don’t take up the same volume. Use this setting to indicate how much 1 cup of the ingredient you’re converting weighs to get an accurate conversion. Luckily, Recipe Convert includes a quickly searchable list of many, many ingredients.