Recipe Convert 2.0 walk-through

Recipe Convert Pro has undergone a deep revision resulting in a more polished interface and easier access to all features. Available on Google Play and Amazon.
Recipe Convert Pro has undergone a deep revision resulting in a more polished interface and easier access to all features. Available on Google Play and Amazon.
After creating new graphics for most every UI element in Recipe Convert Pro in Inkscape I just could not bring myself to manually create all of the individual sizes of each of the individual button states. That would have been around 150 graphics files that I would have to export …
I. Background Approximately half my lifetime (20 years) ago I used to have literally drillions & drillions of ideas that I still feel aren’t a complete waste of time. One of these brilliant ideas was to be able to control a guitar wah pedal from my computer. At the time …
A high-output count DIY Arduino industrial controller and interface on the cheap This story revolves around one of the workhorse machines in the company where I work: a Maac vacuum former. It is a solid, well-designed machine with a solid, well-designed control system that Maac contracted out to the Electro …
One of the parts of Android dev that I personally find the most challenging for a number of reasons is the mundane task of making the user controls. I’m not sure if the fact that it is also an area in which I am most lacking is a cause of …
1.71 [Mar 3, 2012] + added some exception handling and better handling of parsing numbers from input strings The Android Ohm’s Law calculator suffered from the same parsing frailty as Electrist. This update aims to correct this. If you haven’t gotten it yet, get Ohm’s Law calculator 1.71 now on …
0.61b2 [Mar 3, 2011] + added some exception handling and better handling of parsing numbers from input strings (based on 2 ACRA reports) + fixed Conductor Size Selection calculator clear function + hardened classes, refactoring, and general code cleaning + changed link on “About” to to point at Electrist …
Electrist 0.61b1 has been updated in the Android Market with the following changes: 0.61b1 [Mar 2, 2011] + new menu icons + calculator activities now finish() on switching back to the chooser + revamped calculator chooser – now with 1000% more icons and favoritability + installed periodic waves calculator
I’d like to assure everyone that development will be ongoing. For a full explanation of the slow updates please see my previous post. 0.60b1 [Feb 26, 2011] + added ACRA crash reporting library (requires INTERNET and READ_LOGS permissions) + added modular help dialogs that pull help text from so …
For the last year I have been really slow to update a the software titles that many have been looking forward to. The PTMobileTrack software is the reason why. I honestly & firmly believe that the premise behind this service is a genius idea. Before I get into the particulars …